The structural approach

The structural approach

As a group and according to our investigation the structural approach as its name almost mentions it, this approach mainly asks the student to master the pattern of sentences; sort of similar like the grammar translation method and one of their goals; however, the structural approach It is more based on the way the sentences of the target language are structured, their grammatical order is what makes them look similar.

It is also considered that language might be best learned through a scientific selection and also grading some of the grammatical structures or patterns of sentences and vocabulary. Some people think that while acquiring a target language through these kind of methods related to grammar; the learners will be able to develop a new way of critical thinking, just like the mathematician learners that like to see their learning process as structures and patterns in a logical way.

Some experts from the XIX century stated that this approach is based on the belief that language consists of structures and the mastery of these structures is more important than the acquisition of vocabulary. That might have been a strong belief when this new approach came up when learning a target language; a true learner or student should perfectly handle his second language or other because It would not matter how much you know about a language that is not your mother tongue if we cannot use it properly as its set of grammatical rules and structures ask to, we, as target language learners would be doing absolutely nothing related to be effective learners.

It is important to mention that this method does not state that the acquisition of vocabulary should be banned, not at all, in fact, one of this approach's objectives is to enable the children to attain mastery over an essential vocabulary of about three thousand root words for active use. As It was said before they do not like focusing on the acquisition of a great amount of vocabulary, instead, they would rather have a basic but “enough” vocabulary to be considered successful target language learners and the ones who handle this new language with real effectiveness.

When being a teacher applying this approach they might take into account that the correlation of teaching of grammar and composition with reading lessons must be one of their main strategies to stimulate the critical thinking that students should posses when being taught this way; teachers should also be aware of teaching the four fundamental skills, understanding, speaking, reading and writing in the order names; as well as the word order or the pattern of form is very important in language ( e.g )

I study English
Study English I
This example demonstrate the arrangement or pattern of words


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