
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020


TASK BASED LANGUAGE LEARNING  Task-based Learning (TBL) is an approach that has roots in the Communicative Language Teaching method, where the teaching process is done entirely through communicative tasks. In order to fully acquire language, it must have real meaning by being used in natural contexts. With Task-based Learning, teachers ask students to complete purposeful tasks that elicit the use of the target language. Assessment centers around the general outcome of the task, rather than meticulously picking apart each element of speech. In doing this, you celebrate the successful, appropriate completion of a task, which in turn boosts student confidence immensely.ased Language Learning. The first principle, scaffolding, claims that the chosen lessons and materials have to ensure that learning can take place. Thus, the learners have to be provided the language they need in order to complete the task (Nunan 2007: 35). Second, task dependency states that each task has to ...


  COMMUNITY LANGUAGE LEARNING Community Language Learning (CLL) is a teaching method developed in the 1970s in the USA by Jesuit priest, psychologist and educator Charles Curran. Drawing on principles of counselling therapy then prevalent, CLL emphasizes the importance of the learners themselves by calling them "clients" and letting them design lesson content. The teacher plays the part of "counsellor", while the learners are encouraged to work together, interacting and helping each other personally in a supportive community. The method, which aims to alleviate the anxiety and threat so often felt by language learners, is sometimes described as "counselling learning". Typical features of a CLL lesson: • target  language/mother tongue. • teacher/learner-centred. • counselling role for teacher; client roles for learners. • in-a-circle seating for learners. • recorder inside circle and teacher outside. • TL dialogue generated learner by le...


THE SILENT WAY METHOD The Silent Way was founded in the early 1970s by the Egyptian mathematician and educator Caleb Gattegno. It is based on the idea that language learning can be enhanced in three main ways: discovery rather than teaching; problem solving in the target language; the use of physical tools. Above all, the teacher should be seen and not heard. In the Silent Way, the teacher is a facilitator, intervening vocally only if absolutely necessary. Learning is achieved through the use of color-coded charts that represent the sounds and spellings of language and small, colored, multi-length blocks of wood called Cuisenaire rods (originally designed for mathematics). An essential tenet of the Silent Way is that the teacher does not teach but helps the learner learn. TYPICAL FEATURES OF SILENT WAY LESSON: • target language/some mother tongue. • learner-centred. • teacher silence except as last resort. • TL sounds presented via sound-colour chart. • Cuisen...

Communicative Langugage teaching (CLT) and Communicative Approach

Communicative Langugage teaching (CLT) and Communicative Approach The origins of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) are to be found in the changes in the British language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s until then, situational language represented the major British approach to teaching English as a foreign language, in situational Language Teaching, language was taught by practicing basic structures in meaningful situation-based activities. British applied linguists emphasized another fundamental dimension of language that was inadequately addressed in current approaches to language teaching at that time, the functional and communicative potential of language and they saw the need to focus in language teaching on communicative proficiency rather than on mere mastery of structures Another impetus for different approaches to foreign language teaching came from changing educational realities in Europe with the increasing interdependence of European countries c...

Total physical response

Total physical response Total physical response is a language teaching method developed by James Asher, a professor emeritus of psychology at San José State University, It is based on the coordination of language and physical movement, In total physical response, instructors give commands to students in the target language with body movements, and students respond with whole-body actions, so the comprehension approach to language teaching is when listening and responding with actions serves two purposes: It is a means of quickly recognizing meaning in the language being learned, and a means of passively learning the structure of the language itself, so the grammar is not taught explicitly but can be learned from the language input Is a method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal input. The process mimics the way that infants learn their first language, and it reduces student inhibitions and lowers stress Wh...

Lexical Approach

Lexical Approach Since the publication of the “Lexical Approach” by Michael Lewis in 1993, Language teaching practices have been widely reviewed and discussed, so the lexical approach is a method of teaching foreign languages described by Michael, the basic concept on which this approach rests is the idea that an important part of learning a language consists of being able to understand and produce lexical phrases as chunks "Once the importance of prefabricated language is acknowledged, the grammar/vocabulary dichotomy becomes obviously false; In fact, language has long been analyzed as consisting of grammatical structures and a set of usually single vocabulary items. Grammar has been given priority over vocabulary" The lexical approach is a way of analyzing and teaching language based on the idea that it is made up of lexical units rather than grammatical structures and the units are words, chunks formed by collocations, and fixed phrases The main fe...


Suggestopedia "Often considered to be the strangest of the so-called "humanistic approaches", suggestopedia was originally developed in the 1970s by the Bulgarian educator Georgi Lozanov. Extravagant claims were initially made for the approach with Lozanov himself declaring that memorization in learning through suggestopedia would be accelerated by up to 25 times over that in conventional learning methods" This method was born as an attempt to explore all the possibilities of the human brain in order to increase mental capacity and expand memory by stimulating the two hemispheres of the human brain. Born in the seventies with the psychologist professor Georgi Lozanov, who thought about the use of suggestion through music, relaxation, deep breathing, imagination and concert sessions to get apprentices to acquire a second language quickly, entertaining and effective Suggestopedia frees students from the mental inhibitions and limitations imposed by socia...

The structural approach

The structural approach As a group and according to our investigation the structural approach as its name almost mentions it, this approach mainly asks the student to master the pattern of sentences; sort of similar like the grammar translation method and one of their goals; however, the structural approach It is more based on the way the sentences of the target language are structured, their grammatical order is what makes them look similar. It is also considered that language might be best learned through a scientific selection and also grading some of the grammatical structures or patterns of sentences and vocabulary. Some people think that while acquiring a target language through these kind of methods related to grammar; the learners will be able to develop a new way of critical thinking, just like the mathematician learners that like to see their learning process as structures and patterns in a logical way. Some experts from the XIX century stated that this approach is base...

The Audio lingual method

The audio lingual method As a team and according to our research the audio lingual method has some similarities with the direct or natural method, some of these similarities might be that both of them focuses on spoken language; It is not its only characteristic but It is one that they share, as everyone could infer by this, students should be able to use the target language communicatively. One of the main and most important rules that students and teachers of this method should take  into account is the fact that no native language should be used in the classroom ( no mother tongue ). Teachers and students will be the ones in charge of making the target language learning process an interactive one, some examples of what has been previously mentioned are: actions, pictures or surrounding objects might be used to give meaning otherwise. Something that every student should be able to do at a certain moment of their learning process is the particular ability of learning to use ...

Grammar translation method

Grammar translation method As a team and according to our research the grammar translation method is one of the oldest ways of acquiring a target language. There are two goals that this method is looking forward to completing with full success, the two main objectives are: reading and writing, in other words it is needless to mention that their goal will never be acquiring the ability to communicate in the target language, or rather, students are considered successful if they can translate from one language into another. No student has to be concerned about improving their speaking and listening skills while almost zero attention to pronunciation is given. In this kind of method the only authority is the teacher and for them It is really important that the students get the correct answer as many times as possible; this might probably sound like teachers are actually engineers creating new computers instead of students, but It is just because of the method itself because students do...

The direct method

The direct method According to the investigation made by the team; the direct method has as its main objective ( communicating using target language ) therefore, It is considered that students should learn how to think in target language, one of the most difficult but valuable goals that students should reach. It is also interesting that in this kind of method the role of teachers and students is to be more like partners in their teaching and learning process, this has of course a simple answer which is the interaction that has go both ways because as its name suggests; It’s a direct method. Every student has to know that one of their principles is that they are not allowed to use any kind of translation tool in their learning process, experts consider that the target language should be learned just like their mother tongue was, by inferring things on their own and interacting as much a s they can with the environment and people that surround them in certain way, this kind of metho...
Welcome to our blog!!!!!! 2+2=5 Personal opinions.

Approach, method and techniques.

APPROACH, METHOD AND TECHNIQUE Language teaching is not an easy task, It is not something that can be acquired by an individual in just one day; in fact, It is definitely pure art the action of teaching someone something you know in a complete way with one hundred percent of effectiveness, and still, without being out of the topic, teaching a whole classroom taking into account that no one thinks the same way from others and do not learn the same way either, this is one of the reasons about why teachers have to have their own strategies to make everyone understand what they might be stating and teaching. First thing that We, as teachers must have pretty clear already is knowing what the word method means. What is method? About four decades ago Edward Anthony (1963) gave us a definition that has admirably withstood the rest of time. His concept of method was the second of three hierarchical elements, namely approach, method and technique. An approach, according to Anthony was a se...

Learning a second language

Second Language Acquisition Language is the method of expressing ideas and emotions in the form of signs and symbols. These signs and symbols are used to encode and decode the information. There are many languages spoken in the world. The first language learned by a baby is his or her mother tongue. It is the language, which he or she listens to from his or her birth. Any other language learned or acquired is known as the second language. Second Language Learning Though most scholars use the terms “second language learning” and “language acquisition” interchangeably, actually these terms differ. Language learning refers to the formal learning of a language in the classroom. On the other hand, language acquisition means acquiring the language with little or no formal training or learning. For example: If you go to a foreign land where people speak a different language from your native language, you need to acquire that foreign language. It can be done with little fo...

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy Teaching philosophies imply their values ​​and beliefs about teaching, since the teacher teaches his students that way and they have different disciplines that are used, It is important that each student has their different way of thinking and doing things, since they are developing in their own way, that is, they only give them the materials and they use them in an excellent way, your teaching philosophy should reflect your personal values and beliefs about teaching. Plato “Plato was born around 428 B.C., during the final years of the Golden Age of Pericles’ Athens. He was of noble Athenian lineage on both sides. His father Ariston died when he was a child. His mother Perictione remarried the politician Pyrilampes. The Athenian philosopher Plato (c.428-347 B.C.) is one of the most important figures of the Ancient Greek world and the entire history of Western thought and around 387, the 40-year-old Plato returned to Athens and founded his philosophical...